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· 6 min read

Wechat: disconsolatevs
Education:西北农林科技大学 (QS Link)

一个自学出身的程序,985本科毕业, 六年IT行业工作经验,四年前端开发经验,服务过两家世界五百强。自我驱动,爱技术,爱学习,前端使用 react技术栈,也有过Unity游戏,CMS以及微信小程序开发经历,我使用过JavaScript, LUA/C, C#, python。 英语良好,有海外工作经历与澳洲绿卡,适应敏捷开发,有比较好的沟通 能力和责任心推动需求落地。 在工作中除开发外也承担团队建设的职责,拍过部门宣传片,组织过团建,参与过前端知识分享。从去年开始,意识到计算机基础的重要性,正逐步学习计算机网络,算法数据结构以及更底层的语言,还在前进道路上。希望加入技术驱动的团队,编写维护高质量代码,能接触到更多有趣的新技术,可以不断学习成长。

Fidelity International (世界五百强) | 02/2019 – 06/2022

  • 编写富达全球大客户基金平台的前端和中间层代码, 使用一套代码为18个国家/24个站点提供多主题多语言,灵活可配置的服务。
  • 使用react技术栈开发可复用的新功能,并进行backbone/ marionette老代码的迁移和重构
  • 使用DjangoCMS技术栈编写内容管理系统,并参与云开发

Achievement: 在全球化的敏捷团队完成了多个较为复杂的前端工作,如用户内容权限系统,可自由配置的全页面UI组件,中东新站点的全部前端和数据工作,多国家复用的低代码基金计算器,基于AWS的前端PDF微服务等,并且承担了部分CMS系统开发工作,获得了Outstanding绩效并在公司晋升到高级开发。做了一些技术上的探索,比如如何链接react和 marionette,如何跨框架进行单元测试,并和其他两个前端合作开发了react表单组件库以及一些通用方法。19年参加了公司的代码项目比赛code-a-thon,完成了一个可视化的环保项目并拿到冠军。 Besides: 关于项目的技术栈我做了详细的总结与分析总结与分析,这些是我上段工作做过的部分功能
Tags: React, Backbone, Marionette, High Charts, Webpack, Django CMS, PostgreSQL, AWS, redux/Rx.js, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (ES6+)

前端开发工程师 WeBoost Technology Australia | 06/2018 – 12/2018

  • 在墨尔本的一家本地创业公司担任前端开发,和当地程序合作完成展示性网站(WordPress)和微信小程序,部分小程序有内容管理后台,客户可以低代码搭建。

Products: 澳洲退税工具(GST Refund), Chadstone(墨尔本最大商场)摆渡车预定系统, mi-fun点餐系统。
Tags: WordPress, 微信小程序

点盈科技(传奇页游开发公司南京分部) | 12/2017 – 05/2018

  • 使用Lua编写基于MVC的UGUI框架
  • 使用 C#编写在线卡牌RPG游戏(类似灵妖记)以及棋牌游戏
  • 负责游戏热更新部分(使用腾讯的xLua,我也做了一点微薄的开源贡献Tencent xLua contributors)

Achievement: 使用公司的框架完成游戏UI部分. 使用Lua重构需要热更 新的UI板块,使用MVC模式和委托方法在主控制实现数据分离,便于替换数据包热更新. 通过GitHub学习热更以及动画并总结成文档和案例给组内使用。空闲时间和后端同事一起做了公司软件自动下载的功能。
Tags: LUA/C, C#, Unity3D, MVC, xLua

IT 技术支持工程师
DB Schenker(Deutsche Bahn 世界五百强) | 06/2016 – 12/2017

  • 维护公司ECM网站 (JavaScript/jQuery)
  • 提供SharePoint/ eSchenker系统的7*24技术支持
  • 为德国铁路全球的客户提供技术服务以及解决方案

Tags: jQuery, JavaScript, customer service, English

· 3 min read

Wechat: disconsolatevs
Education:Northwest A&F University (QS Link)
Visa:Chinese nationality,Australian PR

I'm a 28 years old front-end developer currently base in China, graduated from one of the project 985 universities and has over 6 years' working experience on IT industry. To be specific, 3.5 years on Front-End/CMS/AWS, 0.5 year on WeChat mini app, 1 year on Unity game development and 1 year on IT support. I coding in JavaScript, LUA/C, C#, python and I worked for two fortune 500 companies. Besides, I'm a fast learner who is highly interested in new IT technologies. Coding as an adult blocks game encourage me to build my own world and solve puzzles which is really cool. So at least for me, I'm not only writing programs for living, but also for fun. And I'm a self-challenge person and always have a can-do attitude, those characteristics makes me a responsible team player. I was also a debater which means I have good people skills. Personally, I’m willing to communicate with people come from different culture backgrounds.

Fidelity International (fortune500) | 02/2019 – 06/2022

  • Working on Global digital platform which supports all Fidelity wholesale websites that contain 18-countries/24-sites through one code repository.
  • Coding FE components that is highly configurable, writing common widgets and methods/hooks, integrate React with Marionette, improving unit testing capabilities.Doing mid-tier code development including build-up authority system, and refactor old logics.
  • Coding Django CMS plugins using python, and working on AWS adding front-end microservice functionalities.

Achievement: Being part of a global Agile team, working on large Multisite fund project. Supporting both FE and CMS team, solving challenging issues including landing new sites and designing reusable functionalities, and get team nomination last year. Also won code-a-thon competition 2019, during which we build a highly interactive and data virtualization site. Achieving outstanding performance, being promoted from a junior to a senior developer.
Besides: I did a technical summarize Project Review since it’s quite complex and here’s front-end features I did during my last job.
Tags: React, Backbone, Marionette, High Charts, Webpack, Django CMS, PostgreSQL, AWS, redux/Rx.js, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (ES6+)

WeBoost Technology Australia | 06/2018 – 12/2018

  • Writing websites (WordPress) and WeChat mini programs

Achievement: Being a front-end developer in Melbourne (AU) based local start-up company. Cooperating with back-end developers and designer. Finalize details with costumers, giving technical solutions based on requirements and being responsible for the project quality.
Products: Tax rebate tool (GST Refund), Chadstone shuttle bus booking, mi- fun ordering system.
Tags: WordPress, WeChat Mini Program

Dotwin Technology Nanjing| 12/2017 – 05/2018

  • Coding Lua to build MVC based UGUI framework
  • Writing front-end part of online RPG games with C#
  • Being responsible for hotfix part (Using xLua which I also did little contribution Tencent xLua contributors)

Achievement: Coding game UI components using C#. And using Lua/C that is procedure-oriented to realize the hotfix MVC framework in order to separate data through xLua. Learning animation library on GitHub and writing documentations, examples to teach other team numbers. Help to build company software download website on free time.
Tags: LUA/C, C#, Unity3D, MVC, xLua

IT Support
DB Schenker(Deutsche Bahn fortune500) | 06/2016 – 12/2017

  • Maintence company website ECM (JavaScript/jQuery)
  • Providing SharePoint/ eSchenker system 7*24 IT support
  • Supporting global customers and giving technical solutions

Tags: jQuery, JavaScript, customer service, English